Privacy Policy

techsiklopedia Organization has legally registered as a legal entity since 2012. techsiklopedia Organization engaged in the manufacture and development of instructional media via a software application that can be run through to the computer device, and the other supporting fields, like the collection, classification, management, analyzing, packing, branding, distribution, and sale of the similar goods. techsiklopedia Organization have the goal : provide the revolution learning media and method special for children in the world.

techsiklopedia Organization provide the several service to facilitate the use of learning, like join the techsiklopedia  E-learning Website account (for obtaining the automatic chat, manage the search, add the play list, purchase the product, join to online classroom, and follow the event like : online study tour, online quiz, online contest, online charity, etc.), partner as techsiklopedia  teacher for homeschooling (for obtaining the legal certificate as homeschooling teacher, promoted as homeschooling teacher by techsiklopedia Organization, and follow the event like : online workshop, online seminar, online comparative study, online competition, online charity, etc.), and send the question via e-mail. Therefore, in the use of our services as you mentioned above, then we would like you to know clearly how we obtain, collect, classify, manage, analyze, hide, and share the information we get from you and how you can use to protect information you provide to us.

techsiklopedia  Privacy Policy consists of three major information :

1. What the information about which techsiklopedia  obtain, collect, classify, manage, analyze, hide, and share and the reason of each ones
2. How techsiklopedia  use the user`s information
3. The choices which techsiklopedia  offer to all users (how to access, how to hide and share, and how to change and delete the information)

techsiklopedia  very respect to all user`s private information, so if you are the new user or old user, please provide the time to read this Privacy Policy. If you have any question, send your question to

The Information that techsiklopedia  Obtain, Collect, Classify, Manage, Analyze, and Share

techsiklopedia  obtain the information from all users automatically when they access the e-mail (send the question and reply via e-mail, join the account, partner request, product purchase, payment confirmation, join the event, etc.) because techsiklopedia  need to know the user's identity for the vital need like send the reply of user`s question, manage the user`s access, send the announcement, etc. techsiklopedia  collect the information from all users for giving the best service suits of the simple aspect like the gender, language, nation, etc. till the complex aspect like contact number, ATM card number, credit card number, PayPal address, etc. All the information will collected to serve and solve the user`s problem suit of the aspect before. techsiklopedia  classify all users information to serve them suit of the different aspect like user`s language, nation, hobby, most activity, etc. (view the relevant e-learning, game, event, etc.). techsiklopedia  manage the all users information to connect the user to the other user based of relationship, sibling, roommate, jobs, etc. which have the correlation for some importance (connect the people to their family, sibling, roommate, coworker, teacher, etc.). techsiklopedia  analyze the all users information to determine the anonymous or the suspicious user, we will prosecuting the perpetrators clearly or surrender to the authorities. And the last, techsiklopedia  hide and share the user`s information based of the importance (announce the winner championship, protect the user`s work), and the secrecy (automatically protect the password, ATM card number, credit card number, PayPal address, etc.).

The Information that The User Give to techsiklopedia

Every facilitate and service which will used by the user (like send and reply the question via e-mail, partner request, product purchase, payment confirmation, join the techsiklopedia  account and event, etc.), we will request the user`s information to identify the people who will make the interaction, like the e-mail address, the original name, the address, the ATM card number, credit card number or PayPal address, etc.) All the information is only for the important activity. techsiklopedia  will not use the user`s information for the activity in out context.

The Information that techsiklopedia  Obtain From The User`s Service Use

Device Information

techsiklopedia  collect the Specific Device Information (operation system, hardware, cellular, unique device identifier, etc.). techsiklopedia  can connect the all users`s device, include e-mail and telephone number to techsiklopedia  account.

Log Information

When the user`s use the techsiklopedia  service (question form, join form, partner request form, product purchase form, payment confirmation form, event registration form, etc.) or see the content that provided in techsiklopedia  website, techsiklopedia  automatically collect and keep the certain information in techsiklopedia  log server. They are consist of :
1. Detail of the function when the user use techsiklopedia  service, like history of search, history download, history of e-mail, etc.
2. E-mail log information, like the sent or reply history to techsiklopedia , relationship based of country and language, time and date history of sent or join, and the type of device
3. Internet protocol address
4. Device activity information, like the system activity, crash, browser type and language, request time and date, and correlation URL
5. Cookie which can identify the user`s browser

Location Information

techsiklopedia  can determine the user`s location in all country based of IP address, GPS, and the other sensor which can identify the user`s location, like Wi-Fi hotspot.

Local Storage

techsiklopedia  can collect and keep the user`s information (include the private information) locally in the user`s device use the mechanism like keep the browser website (include HTML 5) and keep application data.

Cookies and Anonym Identifier

techsiklopedia  team and partner use the several technology to collect and keep the information when the user`s use the techsiklopedia  service, like one or more cookie send and anonym identifier to the user`s device. techsiklopedia  also use the cookie and anonym identifier if the user`s make the interaction to techsiklopedia  service which we gave our service to our partner.

How the techsiklopedia  Use The User`s Information

techsiklopedia  use the collected information from all facilitate and service to several goals : to make archive in techsiklopedia  log server (for seeing the techsiklopedia  user and use development), caring (for avoiding the facilitate and service from crash and technical mistake), protecting (for anticipating the facilitate and service from anonym, hacking, and cracking activity), and perfecting (for increasing the facilitate and service based of user experience); to develop the new facilitate and service based of user and use (for increasing the better product, for easing the human learning, and for realizing the revolution of learning ); and for protecting techsiklopedia  (from the abuse and misuse from irresponsible person) the and the techsiklopedia  user (from fraud and misuse of data from third parties) . techsiklopedia  also use the user`s information for offer the more relevant content suit of the user and use, like give the relevant e-learning, game, event, and advertisement.
When the user contact techsiklopedia  like join the techsiklopedia  account, partner request, product purchase, payment confirmation, join techsiklopedia  event, or send and reply the question to techsiklopedia , we will collect and keep the communication history in log service as archive to help solve the user`s problem that has the correlation with their problem, between one user or the other user. We can inform the user via e-mail about techsiklopedia  service that can use to help the problem before. If the user join the techsiklopedia  account, we will inform that user about the change, the repaired, and the update product. techsiklopedia  automatic system analyze the user content (include e-mail) for giving the feature of product that privately relevant to all users, like the result of e-learning, game, event, and advertisement.
techsiklopedia  will request the user`s agreement before use the user`s information that out of which are determined by this Privacy Policy.
techsiklopedia  process the private information to techsiklopedia  server in several country in the world. techsiklopedia  can process the private information in server which out the location of the user`s stay.

Accessing and Update The Private Information

When all users use the techsiklopedia  facilitate and service, we have the goal to give all users for accessing the private information (while the user join techsiklopedia  account, partner request, product purchase, payment confirmation, join techsiklopedia  event). If the information is wrong, we will try to give the solution quickly or delete it – except if we have to keep information mentioned for business importance or legally law. The user can change the wrong or expired information quickly or delete the old information that is not use again. When updating the user`s information, techsiklopedia  will request the user`s identity so we can take the action soon.
techsiklopedia  ignore the request that repeat over and over without the reason, need the not worth technical try (like the new system development or change the base practice which has existed), danger the other user`s privation, or the thing that very difficult to do (like the request that has the correlation with the information in backup system).
During the time, techsiklopedia  can give the information access and correction, we will give it freely, except if the thing need the not worth technical try. techsiklopedia  have the goal to care the service with the act of protecting the information from unintentional destruction and dangerous. So, after the user`s delete the information from the service, maybe we will not delete the data residual copies from active server soon and will not delete the information from backup system.

The User Information which techsiklopedia  Shared

techsiklopedia  does not share the private information with the company, organization, and the person that out of techsiklopedia , except the one of following condition apply:
1. With The User Agreement
We will share the private information with the company, organization, and the person that out of techsiklopedia  if we have the user agreement for to do it. We need the agreement participation for share the all of sensitive private information.
2. For External Processing
We give the user private information to affiliate or business or the trusted person for processed to techsiklopedia  based of our instruction suit of Privacy Policy and the secrecy and the other security act that suit of the one.
3. For The Law Purpose
We will share the private information with the company, organization, and the person that out of techsiklopedia  if we believes in good faith that the use of access, storage, or disclosure the information mentioned need for :
4. Enforceable governmental request
- Comply with laws, regulations, and legal process
- Avoiding, detecting, or handle the security, the fraud, or the other technical problem
- Protect against threats to the safety or rights of techsiklopedia , the user or the public as required or permitted by law
- Investigation of potential violations for enforcing the Terms of Service is available
techsiklopedia  can share the collection, the information which cannot identify the individual to public or our partners like the advertiser, publisher, journalist, or the site that have the correlation. Example, techsiklopedia  can share the information to public for showing the trend of common use from techsiklopedia  facilitate, service, and product.
If techsiklopedia  involved in sale of assets, acquisition, and merger, we will remain the secrecy of private information and tell to the affected user before the private information mentioned transferred or becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

Security Information

We work as well as possible to protect techsiklopedia  and all users from disclosure, destruction, alteration, unauthorized access without the permission of the information we hold. In particular :
1. techsiklopedia  uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), the encryption technology which protects your all private information (telephone number, ATM card number, credit card number, PayPal address, etc.) and prevents all from unauthorized access and spam. SSL encodes all private information (name, address, telephone number) into different sign thus no other party can reach it all through of the Internet. All form of that request the private information on techsiklopedia  website is completely protected from unauthorized Internet access.
2. techsiklopedia  review the practices surrounding the obtaining, collection, classification, management, analyzing, hiding, and sharing the information including technical and physical security measures, to protect the system from unauthorized access.
3. techsiklopedia  restrict access to personal information only to Wissenreschool contractor, employees, and who need to know that information to process it for us, they are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations, and can be penalized or terminated if fail to meet this obligation.

When This Privacy Policy Can Be Applied

techsiklopedia  Privacy Policy applied to all facilitate and service that offer from techsiklopedia Organization, included Osvoz Kids, and the service that offered to other site (advertisement service), but not included the service that has the separated privacy policy that out of this Privacy Policy.
techsiklopedia  Privacy Policy not applied to the facilitate and service that offered by the other company and person, include the product or site that maybe viewed to the user in the search result, the site that content the techsiklopedia  facilitate and service, or the other site that has the link to techsiklopedia .
techsiklopedia  Privacy Policy not included the company`s or the other organization`s information practice that advertised techsiklopedia  facilitate and service, and which can use the cookies and other technology for viewing the relevant advertisement.

Compliance and Cooperation With The Authorities

techsiklopedia  review our compliance with the Privacy Policy routinely. We also obey the some self-regulatory framework. After accepting the formal written complaints, we will contact the person who sent the complaint to follow up. We cooperate with the proper legal authorities, including local data protection authorities, to resolve all complaints about the private information that we cannot solve with the user directly.


techsiklopedia  Privacy Policy can change from time to time. We will not decrease the user`s right based of this Privacy Policy without the formal written agreement from the user. We will post the all alteration about Privacy Policy in this page and we will give the easier notification if has the significant alteration (e-mail notification about the alteration privacy policy for certain facilitate and service). We also keep the old version from this Privacy Policy as the archive to reviewed by all users.